Alabama Clubwoman

Various Contributors. “Alabama Clubwoman.” November-December 1935.

This newsletter is filled with information and stories about life in Alabama during the Great Depression for women. Looking it as a piece of history, it did a lot to outline the club’s members and their roles during this time period, it serves as an interesting view of the world back then. It’s basically a piece of

living history, showing what the world was like during the Great Depression in Alabama and how these women were organized into a club. There are even some names that given how we are at the University of Alabama are familiar like Amelia Gayle-Gorgas that are at least mentioned in the article. In essence it gives us a window into what life was like for women during the Great Depression through what they did in this club.

There were many things that were interesting about this article and the way it shows life during this time period. It outlined the club’s members and their roles during this time period. One notable thing is that there is emphasis on the idea of the sale of blind made goods, as it comes up at least twice over the course of the newsletter. Other interesting details include the commandments of the club, which include things like attending every meeting, being prepared, not interrupting other club members, and other things. The final commandment being thou shalt dilligently keep these commandments, so that thy club days shall be lengthened and thy name be spread unto the uttermost parts of clubdom. There are also different classes of membership which determines how much they had to spend on membership dues. This could provide an interesting insight into life in Alabama during the Great Depression for women, and what kinds of things they were doing and were interested in.